Fisher is always looking for suppliers to provide quality materials used in the manufacturing and installation of tanks. We choose our supplier partners based on product performance, business practices, value and other metrics. Contact us today to learn more.

Are you a skilled, qualified subcontractor with established safety programs and a good safety record? Contact us about potential opportunities to work together. The first step in the process is to download, fill out and return our Qualification Form. Download that form here. Fisher primarily (but not exclusively) contracts with professionals in these industries:
- Tank Foundations
- Field Painting
- Insulation
- Cathodic Protection
- Site Clearing & Grading
- Tank Demolition
- NDE Inspection
- HDPE Liners
Fisher encourages qualified WBEs and MBEs to apply.

EPC Firms
Collaboration with EPC firms as they prepare for major projects helps all parties understand all the options available and their consequences, and to align expectations, helping to lay the groundwork for a highly successful project. Our experience and insights mean we’re able to see a project from a “big picture” perspective, and to identify even the smallest details that could impact the tank portion of large, complex projects.
We can help make the design and building process more effective with preliminary technical information, planning and scheduling, and budgetary pricing. Check out our New Tank project planning worksheet and our Tank Repair project planning downloads for free tank planning worksheets.