Industrial workplace safety is a life and death matter, every single day. In the tank fabrication and tank construction business, and in any business that requires heavy equipment, power tools, cranes, lifts, welding equipment, and other potentially dangerous tools, managing safety must be everyone’s top priority.
Everyone agrees that workplace safety is important, but the key to an effective safety program in any work environment is for every single person to adopt safety as THEIR top priority. And safety is not just an at-work thing – most workplace safety rules can be effectively applied at home, too. Properly maintained equipment and appropriate PPE are just as important when you are cleaning the gutters as they are when welding a storage tank.
Here’s a handy little Industrial Workplace Safety Checklist you can post just about anywhere as a quick, easy reminder of some basic practices that can help ensure everyone goes home safely and stays safe during those weekend warrior projects. Consider posting this list or something similar, tailored specifically to your work environment, in a spot where everyone will see it. Use these checklist items as starters for discussions about housekeeping, equipment maintenance, and day-to-day safety. At home, use this checklist, or a modified version, as a guide to ensure you are prepared to work safely every time.

Industrial Workplace Safety Checklist from Meyer Tool & Mfg.
For more on safety in storage tank construction and tank repair, check out these posts:
5 Ways to Keep a Lift Safe for Tank Construction
Top Questions to Ask Before Your Next Tank Repair
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