Today on the Think Tank – we’re sharing a press release covering our participation in OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. This 2nd-annual national event focuses on Fall Protection across the construction industry, addressing and including employers and employees in all aspects of construction, from residential builders/contractors and those in commerical construction to bridge builder and storage tank contractors.
For people in the storage tank industry, performing critical job functions at heights is all in a day’s work. Whether you’re welding a seam on an above ground storage tank, checking a tank roof or vent for damage, replacing a floating roof seal, or performing a tank inspection, fall protection is vital for your safety.
We’re proud to participate in this year’s OSHA Stand-Down, and we hope we can help spread the stand-down message in the storage tank world and the construction industry in general.
CHESTER, PA, May 6, 2015 — In recognition of OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down for Fall Protection, Fisher Tank Company plans safety stand down events at all of its job sites during the week of May 11, 2015.
During the stand-down, the crew(s) at each Fisher Tank Ciompany jobsite will stop all work activities at a designated time. Each team will focus their attention on fall protection by reviewing OSHA Fall Protection facts and information, discussing fall protection issues specific to their job site and/or experience, participate in fall protection training and reviews of Fisher’s Fall Protection Program, and thoroughly inspect ALL fall protection equipment on the jobsite.
Initiated in 2014, OSHA’s Fall Protection Stand Down has proven to be an effective way to reach thousands of workers in a variety of industries with a single, effective message: falls from elevation kill workers, and falls from elevation are preventable.
Fatalities caused by falls from elevation are a leading cause of death for construction workers. Of the 828 construction fatalities recorded in 2013, 291 were falls from heights. Those deaths were preventable.
In 2014, fall prevention safety standards were among the top 10 most frequently cited OSHA standards. The goal of this national campaign is to prevent fatal falls from roofs, ladders, and scaffolds by encouraging construction workers to PLAN ahead to get the job done safely, PROVIDE the right equipment, and TRAIN everyone to use the equipment safely.
“Fisher Tank is excited to be a part of OSHA’s National Fall Protection Safety Stand-Down as a way to bring attention to the importance of Fall Protection,” says Charles Hineman, Safety Director. “According to OSHA’s national statistics, 291 people lost their lives on the job due to a fall from height (2013). That number represent real people and real families. The effects of these tragedies reach far beyond the year in which they occur.”
Hineman adds “If our participation in this stand-down can spotlight fall protection and reinforce the message that falls from height can be deadly, and that falls from height can be prevented, it’s well worth doing.”
Let’s all Stand-Down for Fall Protection!
Click here for more info, educational resources, training topics, materials and more for OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down.
For more about storage tank safety, check out these Think Tank posts:
OSHA’s Top 10 Apply To Tank Construction Do They Apply To You
5 Ways To Keep A Lift Safe For Tank Construction & More
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